Leavenworth, KS (Dwight D.Hospital Care Compare and Provider Data Catalog Now available! Our new Provider Data Catalog makes it easier for you to search & download our publicly reported data. Greater Los Angeles, CA Health Care System

NOTE: Metric score comparisons contain a margin of error, therefore there may be instances where the VA score appears better or worse than the community benchmark score, but is listed as "SAME." In these cases, the VA score is within the margin of error of the community benchmark and is listed as "SAME." There is no industry standard method for fairly comparing performance on ambulatory CAHPS measures among hospitals or health systems, hence VA National average is used as benchmarks for the Veteran-Centered Care outpatient measures.To learn more about CMS patient survey ratings, please visit CMS Care Compare’s patient survey page. For more information on HCAHPS, please visit the HCAHPS website: or download the HCAHPS Fact Sheet. Reported data is an approximation and does not represent official HCAHPS results. These measures are not comprehensive indicators of overall hospital quality unto themselves, but rather an important contributor to the global evaluation of hospital performance. HCAHPS includes measures like Overall Rating of Hospital and Care Transition, among others, that contribute to an overall patient survey rating. Veteran-Centered Care inpatient measures align with the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS).More information about the CAHPS family of surveys can be found here. CAHPS was developed by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and is considered the industry standard for measuring patient experiences. VA uses the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS®) family of surveys to measure patient experiences.Most metrics reported on CMS Care Compare apply to Medicare beneficiaries (e.g., age 65 and older), while metrics reported for VAMCs may include patients who are not eligible for Medicare due to age and other factors.VA has utilized data from NCQA’s Quality Compass® to establish regional averages for hospitals that fall within geographic boundaries that match areas covered by Veterans Integrated Service Networks ( VISN). VA outpatient measures closely follow the specifications set forth by the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA), Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set ( HEDIS).Veteran-Centered Care: Anticipates and responds to Veterans’ and their caregivers’ preferences and needs, and ensures that Veterans have input into clinical decisionsĬomparative benchmark data is obtained primarily from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Care Compare and from the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA).Safe Care: Avoids harm from care that is intended to help Veterans.